Teachings, Events, Courses
Sunday Teachings with Geshe-la
Where: Jam Tse Dhargyey Ling Buddhist Centre, 159 Parakiore Rd, Whangarei. (map
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Description: On Sunday mornings, our resident spiritual teacher Ven. Geshe Sangey Thinley, fondly known as ‘Geshe-la’, gives a teaching and spiritual advice based on a lifetime of training and knowledge. Classes are translated from Tibetan into English.
All Welcome: The class and talk is open to anyone who wishes to attend.
After the teachings there is time for questions and a cup of tea.
Community Days: On the first Sunday of the month we have a shared lunch (please bring along a vegetarian dish to share).
Then for those who are able to stay we spend a bit of time working/laughing/creating good karma together helping the monks out with some chores around the centre – gardening, painting, cleaning etc. Bring your tools and a happy heart.
Workshops and Retreats
The Next Weekend Workshop is yet to be scheduled
Geshe-la will teach in Tibetan and his teachings will be translated from Tibetan into English.
ALL WELCOME Please register by filling out the form below.
Attending the weekend classes:
It’s most beneficial to attend the whole weekend – however some is better than nothing…. so if you are only able to attend one or two of the sessions – please let us know.
Weekend Schedule:
Saturday and Sunday
* 10am: Teachings by Geshe-la
* 12pm: Shared lunch (bring a dish to share)
* 1:30 pm: Lead discussion group
* 3pm: Teachings by Geshe-la
Teachings will finish at 5pm
* 10am: Teachings by Geshe-la
* 12pm: Shared lunch (bring a dish to share)
* 1:30 pm: Lead discussion group
Who can attend:
The teachings are open to anyone to attend, one does not have to be a Buddhist to attend or benefit from these teachings.
Teachings are always offered free of charge – however a donation of around $50 per person towards costs is advised, or anything you are able to offer. Please do not let the lack of finances prevent you from coming.
All donations are tax deductible.
Accommodation: You will need to find your own accommodation, although we do have members in our community happy to billet
Register by:
– Email us: dharmanewzealand(at)gmail.com
Meditation Classes and Courses
Guided meditation classes.
Meditation is such a wonderful gift we can give ourselves on the path to learning how to have a more peaceful calm mind and heart, bringing benefit to oneself and others by developing mindfulness in daily life.
All classes are open to all – Non-Buddhist and Buddhists alike.
Weekly guided meditations:
Wednesday Evenings: 5:30pm – 6:30pm. Please be on time as doors need to be closed for security.
At Himalayan Trading Post, 89 Cameron St, Whangarei.
All Welcome no need to register. Cost: $5 – $10 Donation (depending on what you can afford)
Tibetan Thangka Painting Classes
Tibetan Thangka Painting Classes with Ven. Nyima Gyaltsen
Ven. Nyima Gyaltsen teaches courses and workshops on Tibetan Thangka Painting and Iconography.
Where: Jam Tse Dhargyey Ling Buddhist Centre
Time: Monday – Friday 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Cost: $20 per Lesson
( Materials to be supplied by the student )
Knowledge of Tibetan art and Buddhism is not required.
For more details on these classes or to learn more about Nyima or Tibetan Thangka Painting and Iconography please click on the following links
Ven. Nyima Gyaltsen on Facebook
Tibetan Painting and Iconography
Learn to Meditate with Venerable Karma Gyasey
Learn to Meditate with Venerable Karma Gyasey
The Tibetan word for meditation, GOM, translates to “to become familiar.” But familiar with what? Meditation helps us become familiar with the true nature of reality, offering a powerful tool to calm and focus the mind. If you’re interested in deepening your understanding of meditation, we invite you to join us for a special course taught by Tibetan Buddhist monk, Venerable Karma Gyasey.
6-Week Meditation Course
- When: Mondays, 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM
- Dates: October 7th – November 11th
- Location: Himalayan Trading Post
- Registration: Required – to register email us at dharmanewzealand@gmail.com
Explore the practice of meditation in a structured, supportive setting. Venerable Karma Gyasey will guide you through the fundamentals, helping you cultivate a deeper sense of inner calm and mindfulness.
Understanding Buddhist Basics with Venerable Karma Gyasey
Understanding Buddhist Basics
Curious about Buddhist philosophy? Ever wondered what life is like for a monk? Or maybe you have questions about your own spiritual journey or teachings you’ve heard?
Join us for informal discussions with Venerable Karma Gyasey, a resident monk, who will share insights and answer your questions in a relaxed, open environment.
- When: Thursdays, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
- Location: Buddhist Centre
- To Register: email us at dharmanewzealand@gmail.com